June 2024 update

Thank you to those residents who joined us for our Cyber Security Event – I hope you found it informative and worthwhile.  Speaking to a few of you afterwards, and judging from emails subsequently received, it would appear you did! Mark, the presenter, was on top form again – and stated he would be happy to return to Ravenshead in the future (apparently, he enjoys coming here!)


As I write this, the sun is out but the threat of showers isn’t far away.  I am hoping that by the time you read this, summer has arrived – and you are looking forward to your summer holiday. Below are a few tips to consider before you leave:

·       It is a good idea to get help from trusted friends or neighbours.  Ask them to keep an eye on your home while you’re away; let them have a key to your house and if you have a burglar alarm show them how to work it. Your neighbours could also help by collecting your post and occasionally parking their car on your driveway.

·         Make your home look like someone is in whilst you’re away; don't close your curtains, in daytime this indicates it may well be empty. Also, use timers to turn lights on when it gets dark.

·         Cancel any newspaper or milk deliveries.

·         Avoid discussing holiday plans where strangers may hear details of your absence, e.g. when cancelling deliveries or talking in a public area.

·         Cut the lawn.  Ensure all tools and ladders are locked away (or secured appropriately).

·         Don’t leave valuable items visible through your windows – put them out of sight.

·         Ensure there is some rubbish left in your bins – empty bins can be a giveaway!

·         Turn off the answering machine.

·         Make sure you lock all outside doors and windows and set your burglar alarm.

·         If you take a taxi to the airport / station, use a company you can trust; don't discuss your holiday plans and make it sound like someone is still at home.

I will aim to cover ‘Advice When Travelling’, ‘Advice Whilst Away’ and ‘Accommodation Tips’ next month (space permitting!)


CRIMES* REPORTED 15.5.24 – 9.6.24         *Acquisitive Crime + Damage

(Excludes crimes of a domestic nature, neighbour / employment disputes, non-payment of goods, e.g. shop thefts)


Time of Day




8 -13.5.24

Not Known

Burglary - Outbuilding

Newstead Abbey Park

Offender smashed window of outbuilding at an unoccupied property currently being renovated. Also broke the padlock and smashed the glass in the doors.  Entered and removed items from within - which were left scattered around on the ground.  Nothing believed stolen


1200 - 1600 hrs

Criminal Damage

Newstead Abbey Park

Approx 8 off-road scrambler bikes were ridden recklessly in public woods.  Caused damage to fences (kicked down) and rode over cones


2359 hrs

Criminal Damage

Newstead Abbey Park

Offenders (believed to be 'youths') were committing acts of Anti-Social Behaviour which resulted in a sign being damaged

1 - 2.6.24

1830 - 0755 hrs

Criminal Damage

Summercourt Drive

Offender(s) moved a large plant pot from a property and placed it in front of a parked car on a driveway at another property.  Driver was unable to see the pot when he approached the vehicle and subsequently drove over the pot causing it to break, causing damage to the vehicle   [*] see below

Note – in addition to the above, I have been informed, by a resident, that a snow shovel (which was being used as a garden tool) was stolen from a property on Gorse Hill whilst the resident was gardening in early June.  It is believed that 2 teenagers were seen carrying the item up Regina Crescent.  (The matter was reported to the Police after the cut-off date above). If you have found a snow shovel discarded in the village, please inform the police or RNW, to get it back to its rightful owner.


[*] Following various comments on social media, it would appear this occurred during a period, possibly around midnight, when (it is believed) 2 people were engaging in anti-social behaviour – moving plant pots / bins from one property to another, pulling up ‘For Sale’ signs etc. As well as Summercourt Drive, people reported it occurred on Swinton Rise, Mavis Avenue, Milton Drive etc. too.

Sue Harris

For further advice please visit our website: www.ravensheadneighbourhoodwatch.co.uk.

To contact RNW email us at rnwinfo@yahoo.co.uk or leave a message for us on 07583 296 466